Which PADI courses will we be offering?
Discover Scuba Diving*
Open Water Course
Instructor Development Course
*The DSD course will only be offered to students taking part in Summer School. This is provided solely to 16-18 year olds, which takes place in July in Antibes.
Diamond Diving have been established in the French Riviera for 9 years and have a very hands on, personal approach to instruction.
"Over the year's we have trained a number of yacht crew members, who have often found a PADI qualification to be a very useful addition to their CV. We are delighted to be working with bluewater as a natural extension and development of this and are looking forwards to sharing the quality of diving in the South of France with more yacht crew" explains, Alex, joint-owner of Diamond Diving.
PADI Open Water Diver rating is the most widely recognised entry level diver qualification in the world. An excellent and comprehensive course, the goal is to get candidates to the point where they are competent, confident, safe and above all happy divers.
IDC is a ten day course that prepares you to become a competent entry level PADI OWSI (PADI Open Water Scuba Instructor). This course requires that candidates already hold as a minimum the PADI DiveMaster qualification, or an equivalent from another training organisation and 60 logged dives including experience in deep diving, night diving and underwater navigation.
With access to over 40 local dive sites to suit a range of levels we are confident that these diving courses will help more yacht crew to not only explore the local area underwater but also help others to discover it!
Further information on all training courses that we offer can be found